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Spiritual Baths
Spiritual baths have been used in many cultures to cleanse the soul, clear the mind, and ultimately heal the spirit. Spiritual baths are not only just used for cleansing but can be used to draw things closer or repel them. In many indigenous spiritual practices that predate colonial interactions, there has long been a reverence for water and cleansing. These rituals and concepts have been preserved and transported to the Americas and beyond as a byproduct of the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade. They can be found in everything from African Traditional Religions and their descendants, such as Ifa, Haitian Vodou, Palo Mayombe and African American Hoodoo, to the cultural syncretism embedded in Black expressions of Abrahamic religions.
How to use for best results:
- Boil a decent size pot of water.
- After the water has come to a boil remove it from the stove and place the contents within the water.
- Let the bath simmer for 15 to 30 mins.
- Drain and place in a container of your choosing.
- Depending on the amount of water used these baths can be used 3 to 7 days. (I do not recommend going over 7 days)
- After taking your normal bath take some of the spiritual bath you have prepared and pour it over your head or at the neck down.
- Air dry any residual herbs left over can be showered off the next morning.
- Remember ritualize your bath always try to have a white candle lit and intentions clear.
Condition Oils
Oils play a key factor in ceremonial rituals. In early religious and spiritual traditions, oil was used to anoint the body for baptism, healing from illnesses, becoming initiated into tradition or religion, and during marriage and other rituals. In rootwork tradition today, we continue to use oils for the same purposes. Crafting conjured oils takes time and commitment. Plan and choose your ingredients wisely; consider the shelf life of oils, and remember your intentions and how you will use the oil. In the rootwork tradition, conjured oils are also known as “anointing oils,” “conditioned oils,” and “hoodoo oils.” The oils consist of a blend of various ingredients, including flowers, herbs, roots, minerals, and carrier oils to create a powerful, goal-oriented infused formula. Amulets, charms, talismans, and personal matters are sometimes added depending on the purpose of the oil.
How to use:
- Depending on the purpose the oil (think of them in terms of attracting and repelling)
- For protection, anoint your candles or add the oils to the doorways of your home, your vehicle etc.
- To attract luck, success, and financial gains, anoint your wallet, purse, yourself and candles.
- To hex or banish place the oil on the targets name paper, picture or personal concern. Candles can be anointed. It can also be placed in the area in which the target will come in contact with.
- To attract love and desires anoint yourself directly. Anoint your candles, and or any area your desired partner may come in contact with.
Mojo Hands
It is a "prayer in a bag", or a song that can be carried with or on the host's body. Alternative American names for the mojo bag include gris-gris bag, hand, mojo hand, conjure hand, lucky hand, conjure bag, trick bag, tricken bag, root bag, toby and jomo. The making of mojo bags in Hoodoo is a system of African-American occult magic. The creation of mojo bags is an esoteric system that involves sometimes housing spirits inside of bags for either protection, healing, or harm and to consult with spirits. Other times mojo bags are created to manifest results in a person's life such as protection, luck, money or love.
How to use
- Your mojo bag should be treated with the utmost care and respect.
- Give your mojo bag a name and speak to it to ask it to work on your behalf.
- For the first 7 days that you own it, you will keep it as close to you as possible, wearing it next to your skin and sleeping with it under your pillow.
- After 7 days, you may continue to wear it next to your skin, carry it in a pocket or purse or keep it in a special place and only carry it when you need its effects.
- About once a week, you will need to feed the mojo bag. Each mojo bag includes a potion to feed it with. Feeding also can be done by passing the mojo bag through incense or by dabbing it with five spots of a spiritual oil, rum, Hoyt’s Cologne, or bodily fluids, as recommended in the personal instructions given to you by me.
Your mojo bag should never be seen or touched by anyone. If it is seen by someone else, re-establish your connection to it by feeding it daily and wearing it next to your skin for 7 days.